LVA is a private non-profit centre of excellence for the food industry in Austria and was founded as independent association with the aim to fulfil a broad range of tasks. Services comprise coaching and consultancy, comprehensive training in the food sector, authoritative partnerships in technology transfer, European research programs and mediating co-operations of industry and academia. The high quality of provided services and the competences and expertise built in LVA make it a strong player in the Austrian food producing sector and an expert partner on EU-level. LVA is a motivator for collective R&D activities and acts as a transfer organisation between science and industry. The services offered range from project management to data research and product- and process development. The core competencies of LVA in quality management, food science, food legislation, hygiene and technology transfer are complemented by a comprehensive program for professional training for the food sector. LVA is core group partner of the EU “Pact for Skills” initiative for the food sector.

Julian Drausinger, julian.drausinger@lva.at