GAIA EPICHEIREIN was founded in 2014 as a result of a broad coalition between agri-cooperatives and that have teamed up with strategic partners from the IT and banking sector to serve a common vision for a more sustainable and competitive agricultural sector in Greece. The coalition brings together the forces of: 71 agricultural cooperative organizations operating in the entire country and in all main productive sectors in Greece, both in crop and livestock production. They represent more than 150,000 producers and are amongst the country’s most important cooperatives both in terms of production and turnover. NEUROPUBLIC S.A., a pioneering IT company designing and developing computing and cutting-edge technology systems to the benefit of more than 800,000 final users for the past 13 years. Operating in Greece and abroad, NEUROPUBLIC ranks as a leading IT company in crucial public administration sectors and is a leader in the provision of technological services to the agricultural sector. PIRAEUS BANK GROUP, a leader in the country’s banking sector, provides, among other, integrated banking solutions and products to representatives of the agri-food sector. Piraeus Bank Group participates in the GAIA EPICHEIREIN through the Centre of Sustainable Entrepreneurship EXCELIXI which develops activities for the effective support of sustainable entrepreneurship.

Eva Bozou,